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Medical Research School Düsseldorf

The Medical Research School Düsseldorf (medRSD) was founded in 2010 as an institution of the Medical Faculty of the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf to promote young scientists in medicine.
The task of medRSD is to accompany doctoral candidates during their doctoral work with structured framework conditions and to support them in their doctoral project and in planning a scientific career through a variety of offers. One of the main goals is to improve the training and supervision situation of doctoral students and thus increase the quality and number of successful degrees.
These offerings include the annual information event "Introduction to the Scientific Doctorate", an annual doctoral congress, workshops and course offerings, information about doctoral studies on the web and consultation hours. There will also be a doctoral exchange for doctoral positions and networking meetings for doctoral students. However, the medRSD not only supports young scientists, but also the special research areas (Sonderforschungsbereiche), research training groups (Graduiertenkollegs) and research groups (Forschergruppen), e.g. by coordinating the training programmes and by providing supplementary services.