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Research Documentation - Lab book

Accurate documentation of your research results is a key component of any research activity. It enables others to reproduce your data, results and evaluations. Bound or electronic lab books help you to document your scientific observations and findings in a structured manner and in accordance with current recommendations for good scientific practice.

Bound Lab Books

The Faculty of Medicine provides you with a bound lab book, which you can request free of charge from the Graduate Center. Project leaders can also request several books for their research group.
You can take a look at the book here!


Electronic Lab Books

Electronic lab books (ELB) are software products for documenting the planning, execution and evaluation of laboratory experiments and will replace analog (handwritten or printed) lab books eventually. The Center for Information and Media Technology (ZIM) is available to assist you in setting up an ELB. A mailing list keeps you up to date and allows you to network with other ELB users on campus.