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Registration of the doctoral thesis

Dr. med. & Dr. med. dent.

You have found a topic and a working group for your research project and your supervisory team is ready? Time to get started! With the registration of the doctoral thesis at the Medical Research School within the first 3 months of starting your research, your doctoral project begins.

Registration Process

First download the document "Project Outline and Supervision Agreement", fill it out and have it signed. Then prepare all documents as described in the "Guide to Registration for Dr. med. & Dr. med. dent." and upload the comlete documents as PDF (max. 2 MB per PDF). You will receive a confirmation when your registration was successful.

Use of HHU address strongly recommended!

Please use your HHU or med.uni-duesseldorf.de e-mail for registration, if available. ZIM servers do not always allow automated sending of e-mails to other providers.

You can already attend a workshop on Good scientific practice at medRSD to prepare for your doctorate. Please register for all other workshops only after your doctoral project has been successfully accepted.

In case you are planning another doctoral project, please be aware that you need to finish the first one before the registration of the second.